Last night I met up with Allison and Luke at the Rogers Centre (aka SkyDome) for some engagement photos. Mother Nature decided she'd roll in some big heavy clouds, so the nicely illuminated skyline that I was hoping for was nada. But the show must go on!
I know Allison from high school days, sitting in the trumpet section of our school band, plus all the band trips to Ireland, Chicago and New York...there are many good memories with her and it's awesome to see her with such a wonderful guy. Luke, I wish I could say I've got a lot of dirt to share on Allison...I don't...but ask about her job as a plumber (sorry Allison).

Also, I must say thanks to my friend Mike for joining in on the shoot and bringing along his Hasselblad. Things would not have gone as smoothly if he wasn't there to act as my VAL (Voice Activated Lightstand) and even though most photographers wouldn't appreciate someone showing up with a big bad Hasselblad, I loved giving him the opportunity to shoot some medium format film frames of Allison and Luke. That's a truly special privilege for a wonderful couple!
Best of luck with your wedding plans Allison and Luke!!

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